Saturday, April 24, 2010

Special diet may prevent Alzheimer's disease

According to researchers at Columbia University, people who eat a lot of salad dressing, nuts, fish, poultry and certain fruits and vegetables and not much red meat, high-fat dairy, organ meat and butter are less likely to develop Alzheimer's disease. This disease typically affects the elderly and is accompanied by debilitating memory loss.

The study built on previous research that found that foods containing certain nutrients are beneficial for the brain and effective at warding off Alzheimer's.

I have seen a few movies about Alzheimer's disease and it is very sad how this disease affects people and their relationships with their family members and loved ones. Therefore, I am glad to hear that there is a dietary prevention plan which might help to reduce Alzheimer's disease in our society.

1 comment:

  1. I am of the belief that a special diet can prevent "most" of the ailments that plague today's society. We have grown to be so over-industrialized, that we have lost sight of our origins. Nutrition is the fruit of life, and it is only in the modern era, in which we have sacrificed our ancestors organic eating habits for a quit trip through the drive through for a tasty empty calorie mass of lard, that we have seen such a rise in diseases and disorders. Instead of fixing the problem at the source, we have created an endless supply of different medications to combat every possible problem and side effect our body may encounter. It is nice to see nutrition finally standing in the spotlight once again. Sometimes you must take a step back in order to move forward.
