Friday, April 16, 2010

green tea helps bones just like vitamins

Researchers in Hong Kong have found out that by drinking green tea it will help you improve your bones just like vitamins do.They noted that the tea contains chemicals that stimulate bone formation and help slow down the breakage of them.Ping Chung Leung and his colleagues said that many scientific studies have linked tea to beneficial effects in preventing cancer, heart disease, and other fatal conditions.Studies in humans and their cell cultures suggest that tea may also benefit bone health but scientists said that chemicals in the tea are responsible for this effect.


  1. This is great to know, I love green tea!

  2. I feel like everything that is healthy for you and your body doesn't exactly taste so great. I wish they would come out with a great tasting healthy drink or snack so i would be more interested in it.

  3. I totally agree with this article, considering tea comes from tea tree leaves which is completely natural. I do believe that green tea is another way to gain vitamins for your body, and in most cases (a tastier way!!). Actually, I recently read about a Green Tea Vitamin that contains many great antioxidants and healthy minerals that is beneficial to the human body!
