Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Psychotropic Drugs Overprescirbed to Children

A new study warns of a large increase in prescription drugs being given to children. One in every fifty Americans is considered permanently disabled by mental illness, and eight million children take one or more kinds of psychotropic drugs. They are usually prescribed to adults, but doctors have been prescribing these to children without knowing the impact on the childs long term development. Pharmaceutical industries are largely influenced by making a profit and have been given leniency by the FDA to sell drugs that have not been properly tested. Between 1994-2001 psychotropic prescriptions to children have gone up 60%. Children are prescribed these drugs and the long term affects are unknown to them. I am glad I narrowly missed the fad of putting your kid on drugs for everything sense im too old, im just normal crazy like everyone else.


  1. I think that its a shame that the doctors automatically want to turn to prescription drugs to solve problems. no wonder the percentage of addicion to prescription drugs has gone up so high within the past few years.

  2. A sad but inevitable result of the privitization of healthcare. If a doctor stands to make a kick-back off of prescribing certain medications, then of coure he's going to do so, regardless of the ramifications. Little Billy's cognitive devolpment is not nearly as important to Dr. Smith as his beach house in Peurto Viarta. That's just human nature.

  3. It's discusting to think how many pills we have to take to treat anything now a days, and now kids have to start taking pills to make the pharmasutical companies money.
