Saturday, May 1, 2010

Children Whose Mothers Smoked During Pregnancy And Early Childhood More Likely To Smoke As Adults

Among the countless already known negative side effects of smoking while pregnant arises yet another horrifying result of such a selfish and damaging act. New research has revealed that children of mothers who smoked during pregnancy are at a alarmingly higher risk of in turn becoming smokers themselves. These same children will have a much more difficult time quitting smoking due to the addictions that were handed down to them through a disgusting display of "motherly love".


  1. This is definitely a huge issue during pregnancy. It has been known for quite a while that pregnant women should not be exposed to smoking or alcohol but I guess for some, they choose to ignore it. I can definitely see though how these children could be affected in a way that would lead research to conclude this, since they were already exposed to the toxins. Definitely interesting but also mind boggling that their are mothers out there that choose to continue smoking during pregnancy.

  2. I was recently at a child's birthday party one of the girls that was there was about 7 months pregnant and had smoked about 5 cigarettes the whole time there. Although, I am a smoker I wanted to flip out on the girl, to be that selfish just had discussed me. I may like to smoke but the moment I find out I'm expecting the cigarettes will go right out the window. This wasn't the first time I have witnessed "mother's to be" smoking, when I lived in California I saw women pregnant smoking all the boggles my can't quit smoking while pregnant what type of mother are they going to

  3. BrittanyC107,

    Until you get to the point in your life where you face this same situation you can't say what you will do. If you are so sure you will quit the day you find out you are pregnant they why not do it now? It is just as damaging to your baby and yourself to continue smoking now while you are not pregnant.

    I know what it is like to being a former smoker who both smoked during one of my pregnancy and quit during other ones. I was told that I had less than a 20% chance of seeing either of my twins born, so with those odds I figured why even bother trying to quit. I had quit with my previous two pregnancies and knew if I wanted to I could with this one. I am happy to say that the doctors were wrong and I had two healthy babies. They day I had them was the last day I smoked. Since then I have had additional pregnancies and never picked up a cigarette again.

    You judged this woman without having all the information. You will never know what it is like until you are faced with the same situation.

  4. this is so not true! i know plenty of people whos parents smoked with them and they are perfectly fine! so this article is a bunch of nonsense !
