Tuesday, May 11, 2010

dreams improve memory


It has been said for years that a good nights sleep will help your memory. This claim is partly true, but a new study shows that it is only true if you dream. An experiment was taken with 99 college students, who were to be put in a virtual 3d maze, and had to navigate to another spot within a maze. After the initial tests were taken, half of the students took a 90 minute nap, and the other half stayed awake and watched videos. After 90 minutes the tests were retaken and the nappers fared better than the students who stayed awake. One student who dreamed of being lost in a bat cave, fared 10 times better than all of the other nappers.
I think that this is an amazing study. It goes to show that relaxing your brain for a little bit is very useful. It is also interesting to read about the correlations dreams have with memory. Maybe this study will help students convince teachers to let them sleep in class !


  1. very interesting i was unaware of the corelation between dreams and memory

  2. this was article was interesting to me. i've always heard about sleep helping memory because it's always been said to study right before you go to sleep but i had no idea that dreaming had anything to do with that.

  3. THat is crazy, didnt know that dreaming could help with that. This must be why they say study before you sleep.
