Thursday, May 13, 2010

Migraine: Aspirin and an Antiemetic Is a Reasonable Option, Review Finds

Researchers have found that taking a single dose of 900-1000 mg aspirin can substantially reduce migraine headache pain within two hours, for more than half of people who take it. Along with reducing the pain, it is also known to reduces any associated nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light or sound (photophobia or phonophobia). Migraine affects about 18% women and 6% of men in western populations, mostly affecting people 30 to 50 years old. The common symptom, whatever type of migraine someone has, is a severe headache, typically once or twice a month, lasting between four and 72 hours. The headache is often pounding, on one side of the head, frequently with nausea, and sometimes with vomiting. Given the numbers of people affected, and the extent of the pain caused, migraine has considerable social and economic impact.

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