Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Male Birth Control Pill Soon A Reality

Here is a link to the article!

Male contraceptives appear to be in reach! Within the near future, a few different formulations of a safe, effective, and reversible hormonal male contraceptives will become commercially available. It may not be just the woman who is responsible for taking her pill. Men may soon have the options of a daily pill, a patch or gel to be applied to the skin, an injection given every three months, or an implant placed under the skin every 12 months. Dr. Andrea Coviello of the University of Washington in Seattle have found that a male contraceptive that releases testosterone over three months is a potentially safe and practical method of contraception. Coviello, and her team of researchers, have also been studying a sustain-released, testosterone micro-capsule, which consists of a thick liquid administered by injection under the skin. "But will men take it? Some say yes, some say only if their partners make them, and other say they would never even consider it."
I think this is great. Having male contraceptives will allow a couple to feel completely safe. The responsibility is now on both people, rather than just on the woman. This could also prevent a woman from tricking a guy into thinking she's taking the pill when she's really not. Each person can be responsible for themselves.


  1. seems awesome, takes all the pressure off of women to stay child free. As long as this is safe it should be revolutionizing.

  2. i don't know how this could possibly work but if it does thats great news

  3. i think its about time and a great idea as you said now both peoplbe can be responsible.

  4. this is a really smart idea. would be great if it really works.

  5. This article was funny to me. I cannot imagine guys taking birth control! I think it would be funny to see them stressing over to remember to take it on time every day!
