Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Gastric Bypass Effects on Diabetes

Recently, I saw an episode of 60 minuets on the show they were talking about the obesity epidemic. Doctors have been doing weight lose surgery since the 1950's. Doctors have been doing Gastric bypass surgery, which is one of the most successful treatment in obesity. Recently, doctors have been researching the positive effects of Gastric bypass surgery, not only does it help an obese person lose weight it is now clear that there are other positive effects of having gastric bypass surgery done, it is known to force type 2 diabetes into remission and it appears to also lower the risk of cancer. The new generation of gastric bypass surgery is now done laparoscopically, where doctors use tiny surgical tools and video cameras, instead of how it used to be performed with deep incisions. At first many people were hesitant in having the surgery done because there was a high risk of death. Now it is less risky because of the new techniques done.

Dr. Hutcher who has performed many gastric bypass surgeries on obese patients who all had type 2 diabetes, post-surgery none have diabetes. He feels that he has found a "cure" for diabetes. All of his patients who had diabetes left the office without taking any medication, he has monitored them for many years and there is no sign of diabetes reoccurring. Obesity is known as being the leading cause of type 2 diabetes. Studies have proved that 80 percent of patients that have had the surgery go into complete remission following the operation. The study also showed that diabetes goes away way before you loose the weight. One patient Travis, he lost 260 in seven months, but it only took about a "week and a half" before he was rid of his diabetes and off all his medication.

Doctors were becoming very curious about why gastric bypass surgery is forcing diabetes into remission. One doctor in particular wanted to find out why? Francis Rubino, an Italian doctor, now at New York Presbyterian Weill Cornell Medical Center. He wanted to know why and believes it has something to do with the small bowel. He has started a study doing the bypass surgery on diabetic rats. When he disconnects the top of the small intestine, called the duodenum,the diabetes disappeared but, when he reversed the operation the diabetes returned. This was a very important discovery now he knows that by stopping the food from traveling through the duodenum, this sent diabetes into remission. This discovery now have doctors believing they can end diabetes with a scalpel and that this surgery can be done humans.

Now what happens if you are diabetic but, not obese? Can the bypass surgery help end diabetes for them also. Clinical trials have begun on to find out if the "bypass" surgery is safe and effective. National Institutes of Health stated in 1991 only severely or morbidly obese are eligible for the gastric bypass surgery if you are considered mildly obese or just diabetic you are not eligible. Doctors are hoping with their new discoveries that hopefully the National Institutes of Health will rewrite the guidelines.

The article goes on to discuss the negative effects of one having the surgery and such, please take a look and read the article or watch the episode.
"60 minuets Gastric Bypass surgery"


  1. Wow. very interesting and very good material to learn about. I am always proud of scientists when i hear that they have discovered more benefits from something already beneficiary. It is a wonderful thing to know that bypass surgery does a lot more than just shed a few pounds.

  2. i know a few people that has had this done and this is a very serious surgery. This article was very interesting to read
