Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Drinking Milk During Pregnancy May Lower Baby's Risk of Multiple Sclerosis

According to a study presented at the American Academy of Neurology drinking milk during pregnancy may help reduce your baby's chances of developing Multiple Sclerosis (MS) as an adult.

The study was done by surveying 35,794 nurses mothers. They completed they questionnaire in 2001 about their experiences and diet during pregnancy with their nurse-daughter. Of the nurses studied, 199 women developed MS over the 16 years study period.

Researchers found that the risk of MS was lower among women born to mothers with high milk or dietary vitamin D intake in pregnancy.

"The risk of MS among daughters whose mothers consumed four glasses of milk per day was 56 percent lower than daughters whose mothers consumed less than three glasses of milk per month," said Fariba Mirzaei, MD, with the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston. "We also found the risk of MS among daughters whose mothers were in the top 20 percent of vitamin D intake during pregnancy was 45 percent lower than daughters whose mothers were in the bottom 20 percent for vitamin D intake during pregnancy."

Mirzaei said, "There is growing evidence that that vitamin D has an effect on MS. The results of this study suggest that this effect may begin in the womb."



  1. Thats pretty intruiging. I wouldnt have thought milk had enough power against MS.

  2. This is really interesting to me especially since I love milk. A lot of people think it's weird but at least my kids will have a lower chance of getting MS.

  3. To me that is amazing... Milk is the leading source of Calcium which helps with bone growth and strength, making it a great advantage to drink when pregnant. It is unreal how just 1 glass of milk can lower the risk of MS by 56%
