Saturday, February 20, 2010

Dolphins Ideal Model To Study Cervical Cancer

Dolphins are the only other mammal besides humans who have papillomavirus infections which eventually lead to cervical cancer. Although there is no evidence that dolphins get the cancer itself, it is still an important discovery in understanding the HPV virus. About 8 HPV types show up in humans out of about a hundred and the same for dolphins. But what is more surprising is that this specific virus group has the ability to cross from sea to land and vice versa.
Over a four year period, researchers collected samples from about 1500 dolphins that will be studied in the future. Also, along with HPV samples, researchers discovered about 40 other viruses that dolphins have that may be helpful to their survival. If scientists can find a cure to the HPV virus in dolphins, then it wouldn't be hard to link it to humans as well, considering dolphins are the closest-related marine mammal. No dolphins were injured in the course of this study, though some died in the wild from the virus.


  1. Thats a crazy discovery! Pretty interesting though.

  2. i never knew this. i love dolphins. this was very amusing to read.

  3. That is crazy i knew humans and dolphins were similar but i didnt realize that we were similar enough to make an attempt at curing cervical cancer.

  4. this is very interesting to read. i just hope that they are not going to start cutting up dolphins to save humans along the way

  5. i had no idea dolphins could also contract viruses like this. Hopefully this discovery helps to find cures for cervical cancer but i agree that they shouldnt harm them in the process.
