Thursday, February 4, 2010

Fish Oil Fighting Psychosis?

By Daniel J. DeNoon
WebMD Health NewsReviewed by Brunilda Nazario, MDFeb. 1, 2010 -- Twelve weeks of fish oil pills made teens at high risk of psychosis much less likely to become psychotic for at least one year.

The finding comes from a placebo-controlled clinical trial that enrolled 81 young people -- average age 16 -- teetering on the brink of psychosis.

A year after entering the study, 11 of the 40 teens treated only with placebo pills developed a psychotic disorder. This happened to only two of 41 teens who began the year with 12 weeks of fish oil capsules rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

No other intervention, including psychiatric drugs, has achieved as much for so long after treatment stopped. Moreover, antipsychotic drugs tend to have serious side effects, including weight gain and sexual dysfunction. Fish oil pills have no serious side effects.

I think in some ways medicine needs to continue in this sort of natural direction. Sure cancer will never be cured by taking a daily vitamin but I do feel as though all too often natural medicine is ignored and chemicals are our substitute. Medicine in todays world if far too soon perscribed at the first sign or a little trouble. Everyone is looking for the quick fix. There are many healthy natural ways to prevent and cure aliments with suppliment and a healthy diet. This article proves that such can be the case because even against anti-psychoactive drugs fish oils prevented more cases of psychosis.
By: Garry Tonon

1 comment:

  1. This is great. We need more natural alternatives to prescription drugs, especially for psychotic drugs. When it comes to mental illness there are too many bad side effects in the drugs prescirbed and too many people being misdiagnosed. If fish oil might work as an alternative, than its worth the awful taste!
