Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Childhood Obesity Rate has gone up in the 2000s

http://www.businessweek.com/news/2010-02-16/u-s-child-obesity-rate-doubled-before-easing-off-study-says.html <<-- That's the article

Basically this article talks about how the obesity rate for children has doubled from 1988 - 2006, but also saw a "small" decline from 2006. The obesity rate is still at an abnormal rate from what it was back in the 1990s, 1980s, etc. I believe that a HUGE reason for this is technology. Children these days are spoiled with Nintendo Wiis, XBox's, Nintendo DS's, etc. They don't go outside and stay active, they're all too focused in their virtual worlds. It is a very sad thing.


  1. I found this article very disturbing. It is so sad to see American youth so unhealthy. I do hope that Michelle Obama's campaign helps lower the children obesity rates. You are so right I do feel that technology is also hindering children from going outside, playing with friend, and just staying active because they can go on x-box and play a game with their friends. It is ridiculous how lazy Americans have become, I always see a line for the elevator when the stairs are right there. I think it is pathetic and I do hope that the children of America realize that it is important to stay active and healthy.

  2. Well childhood obesity is clearly an issue of today. We should definetly help our young people in fixing this problem because they are the people of the future. Its nice to hear that at least the problem is slowly resolving itself.
