Friday, July 22, 2011

Lazy for a Reason

An article on explains the reason why sloths are the way they are. Sloths move through trees in a similar fashion to monkeys. The only difference is the slothful way sloths move about. Researchers at the University of Jena studied two-toed sloths using X-ray video. They studied how the muscles and joints moved while the sloths traveled. They found that the sloths moved basically like other mammals, like monkeys do. The way they position their legs and the movement of their joints are exactly the same as how a mammal moves, except upside down.

John Nyakatura, an evolutionary biologist at the university, revealed that the sloths have reason to be lazy. Through evolution, sloths ended up with long arms and short shoulder blades, enabling them to have a large reach with minimal movement. This provides them the luxury of conserving energy while moving the same way as other mammals.

This article was interesting because it shows the different adaptations an animal will make in order to better their survival. Martin Fischer, a professor at the University of Jena simply put, "Sloths lead their lives in energy-saving mode." We could definitely learn a thing or two from these sloths. Maybe we can find a way to use our laziness as an advantage!



  1. Sloths are probably the coolest animal I saw when i spent a lot of time in costa rica last summer. We would go out on long hikes all day and they'd be in the same spot at the end of the day that they were in the morning.

  2. Initially, it is strange to think that these animals could live comfortably with gravity working against them. Yet, it is clear that their physiological adaptations have deemed them fit to survive while hanging upside down. I do not know much about this species, so I wonder how they take care of their young. It would be interesting to identify their predators, as well as their own feeding processes. I think they are pretty cool creatures, but it's funny how "slothful" is an automatic insult to humans.

  3. This article can definitely make one think of ways to become efficient, but yet expel the least amount of energy necessary. Their adaptation seems to have aided them in life since they are still around to this day.
