Friday, July 8, 2011

Stem cell trachea

According to an article on the first ever trachea made from stem cells has been implanted into a human being. There is a man in Stockholm who was diagnosed with late stage tracheal cancer who received the implanted windpipe on June 9th. The patient is doing well and two days after the surgery he already has a cough reflex. The same doctor who completed this surgery also did something similar three years ago. He implanted a windpipe in a woman that was engineered with her own stem cells after her lung had collapsed from tuberculosis.

I know that this subject is a major controversy in today's world. My opinion of it is that as long as we can help people that's what counts. If there is a way that we can heal someone or save someones life, why not give it a try. I understand how other people feel though because some see it as "playing God" but their view point may change if it was one of their family members in trouble.

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