Friday, July 29, 2011

"The Disease of Kings"

The disease gout also known as the “disease of kings” is on the rise as more and more Americans gain weight. It’s called the disease of kings because it was once thought to be only associated with the privileged few who had the means necessary to over indulge in food. The prevalence of gout has more than doubled in the past 50 years. Gout can be correlated to obesity and hypertension.

Gout is a build up of uric acid, because of diet, lifestyle, disease or medication, which causes small crystals to form in a joint, leading to inflammation and intense pain. Despite the increasing cases of gout in America it is one of the most, if not the most preventable and treatable forms of arthritis.

Obesity has been increasing dramatically in our county over the past half century. Even children are affected by obesity. As children and adults gain more weight, the risk factors for cardiovascular problems and diabetes goes through the roof. Its one thing that you can’t change your genetics, but you can change your diet. Gout can be easily prevented with a good diet and exercise. I think that if you find you self incapable of keeping/making a diet or starting a good exercise routine, its time to see a professional such as a nutritionist, personal trainer, or even some sort of therapist so later down the road you don’t not have medical problems to deal with. Because life is filled with so many ups and downs, I think obesity and all the problems associated is one of the last thing’s I would want to be concerned with.


  1. Its sad that many Americans dont even realize that the amount of unhealthy food they are pumping into their bodies really does lead to severe health problems later in life.

  2. It appears that everyone need to note a healthy diet and physical exercise to strengthen.
