Friday, July 15, 2011

The Truth About Toning Shoes Revealed

The new toning shoes that hit the market not too long ago claimed to tighten and exercise the buttocks, thighs and calves. In an article in the New York Times, this claim has been put to the test in recent studies. " Dr. Mercer’s study joins a small but growing body of science about toning shoes, much of which does not support the makers’ claims. A study conducted last year by exercise physiologists at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, for instance, found that muscle activation and calorie burning did not change whether people wore ordinary athletic shoes or any of three different models of toning shoes. “There is simply no evidence to support the claims that these shoes will help wearers exercise more intensely, burn more calories or improve muscle strength and tone,” the authors concluded." There has been widespread disappointment with the shoes, and this year there has been several lawsuits filed against footwear companies claiming that the shoes did not fulfil their promise.

I am not all that surprised after reading this article in the New York Times. When these shoes first came out looking like Herman Munster gym shoes, I thought there was no way that these goofy looking shoes could help you lose more weight and tone the body. Many companies have since remodeled the shoe' look, making it less of an eyesore, but keeping the rocker-shaped sole. It seemed to be just another quick fix scheme for people to buy into, in hopes of a better looking body with fast results. There are no shortcuts when it comes to fitness, but if these shoes are helping people get out and exercise more than they would normally, then in a way they are doing their job.


  1. I found this article interesting because I do run and exercise a lot. You wouldn't catch me dead in those "toning" shoes. What I do use, and believe there is some good science behind are Vibram Five Finger toe shoes. I highly recommend them over any pair of running shoes.

  2. My roommate wears these shoes and swears they work. They always seemed to be a little on the ridiculous side to me..not only in looks but in everything they promise to do. I think people are looking for the easy way out, but like you said, there are no shortcuts with fitness.

  3. Working In a hospital alot of nurses bought these shoes with the help that it would help them tone while working, but eventually ended up with sore ankles and backs. I theory the shoes should work but nothing is better then a pair of good supportive sneakers.
