Thursday, July 21, 2011

A Freak Of Nature In Germany

In Germany a recent discovery has shocked many biologists. It all started in a German bakery which was having a problem with mice in their basement. A German pest control service conducted the proper procedure commonly used to treat rodent infestations by spraying a poison known as Warfarin. Warafin is an anticoagulant used as a blood thinner in people and used to kill rodents. After repeatedly spraying the pesticide without any success the pest control personnel realized there was a unique problem with the situation. Completely stunned, the pest control team captured some of the mice and immediately sent them for testing. They wanted to know why their poison was not affecting these particular mice. After some research it was determined that these German mice became resistant to the poison due to a horizontal gene transfer with another species of mice. It was found that the gene responsible for this rare resistant mutation is called vcork1. This gene manages vitamin K in mammals. These particular mice are believed to be a hybrid with another common species of mice found in Spain and Africa. These mice are known as the desert dwelling Algerian Mice. Combined these two species allowed biologists to capture eveolution in the making. Scienetists believe this adaptation occurred through point mutation. Point mutation is a process where genes adapt through spontaneous mutations during DNA replication. These mice are trully magnificant in the sense they have evolved with such an advantage over human control. If one day humans could no longer control nature because of natural mutations we could be in for an epic challenge. Pesticides and poisons are very important to our modern industrialized society and allow us to help maintain a healthy and balanced eco system.


  1. This article caught my attention. It may become one example of future problems. Overuse of chemicals causing the victims to become immune can be dangerous, especially when humans are involved. Hopefully the vaccinations do not cause the same affect on bacteria and viruses.

  2. Its really neat to be able to see evolution, which is thought of many times in terms of hundreds of thousands of years, occuring right in front of our noses
