Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Smallest Frogs Around

This article is about a group of frogs that were recently discovered in New Guinea. These frogs were unique from not just other frogs in the area but all around the world.These are the smallest of the tetrapods which are non-fish vertebrates. This set of frogs belong to the genus Paedophryne which are already extremely small.Paedophryne is a unique genus in that all species are minute. The four known species all inhabit small ranges in the mountains of southeastern New Guinea or adjacent, offshore islands But these certain frogs have smaller digits which give them a disadvantage when it comes to climbing. Another fault they have is during reproduction such a small female can only produce around two eggs and it is not known if they are laid at once or in stages. This article was found at:http://www.biologynews.net/archives/2011/12/12/worlds_smallest_frogs_discovered_in_new_guinea.html


  1. This reminds me of the documentary life narrated by Oprah they have a frog that is like the size of your finger nail that climbs trees to lay their eggs to keep them away form predators

  2. These things are pretty cool, and yea they do remind me of the tiny frogs that can fit on a fingernail.
