Monday, December 12, 2011

Killer Bed-Bugs

This article is about something that plagued the industrialized world many years ago, bed bugs. Around the 1950's they would rarely be seen in a home. Today though studies show they are on the rise due to a built up resistance to pesticides. News results pointed that it could be blamed on certain pesticides being used in the tropics. The exposure to the chemicals that used to kill them made them stronger. It was the overusage of the pesticides in these tropical areas that is believed to be the reason why they are on the rise. Some theories point to the military in the area going to extreme measures to keep their soldiers safe. The threat is one that takes dedication because the bed bugs are nocturnal and can hide in a variety of places and the females lay up to 300 eggs at once so the numbers can get out of hands if you don't know you have a problem. This article was found at:

1 comment:

  1. Few things are creepier than bed bugs. Sounds like ignorance has caused yet another problem in our world.
