Saturday, December 10, 2011

Fetal Origins!

I went onto and found this video to be exceptionally awesome! Now, I don't know about you folks, but I find the process of babies developing and learning to be really interesting. This scientist and researcher, Anne Murphy Paul, has written a book called "Origins" last year. This book is all about what those nine months is like for babies in the womb. To read a summary and review of the book, follow this link! If you have a moment, please watch the video because it is eye-opening! Anne Murphy Paul says that it is hard to gather research on pregnant women, but they go about it in creative ways. A researcher will observe women who have been through stressful situations such as a natural disaster or terrorist attacks and then compare their babies to women who had very low amounts of stress while pregnant. I have always found psychology and human studies to be really interesting and if you're like me you'll enjoy this video! To hear more from Annie Murphy Paul, follow this link:

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I've always wondered what babies lives are like inside the womb. That video is really very interesting!
