Thursday, December 15, 2011

Restricted use of chimps in government research

Cnn news post a recent article about the Institute of Medicine committee, stating that chimps should be limited to be used in research studies. Chimps genetics are closer to humans then any other species, and thats why chimps are so valuable to our research. The research is done by scientists, doctors, veterinarians and other experts to come up with the best results and to make sure the chimps are not beeing harmed. IOM recommends that chimps should only be used if a human can not fullfill the needs for the research. Since technology has changed so much, chimps should no longer be needed to conduct the research. IOM is not saying chimps shouldnt be used at all because the hepatitis C vaccines are tested with chimps. About 3.2 americans are infected with hepatitis, and every year 17,000 new infections occur. These statistics can be lower with the help of chimps. Its just a question weather chimps should still be used for futer medical discoveries, or is their a better way.

1 comment:

  1. i dont think they should harm any animal for any reason. period.
