Monday, December 12, 2011

French Scientists and a Cool Experiment!

I read this article on PopSci's website and it cracked me up but also intrigued me right away! Here's the experiment in a nutsell: Scientists are going to see if the body heat from passengers waiting in a underground Metro station will be powerful enough to heat seventeen apartments. Not only will these heating systems be going off human body heat but from the heat of the trains! How cool is that? I guess they're trying to see if it's even possible! In this day and age, there are always tons of experiments involving ways to be more eco-friendly and to save money on things like heat and power. There is another article on PopSci about solar-powered houses which is also pretty cool! Follow this link if you're interested:

1 comment:

  1. It seems far fetched, but if they could make that happen that would be insane!
