Thursday, March 25, 2010

Stomach’s Sweet Tooth

Yes, our mouths are the first to "taste" foods as they enter our bodies. But what happens afterwards? How does our body know what to do with the foods we eat? The body has many sensory cells that "taste" food as it passes through the gut. The mouth tastes something sweet and the body says "alright here comes some fuel". But those same senses can be triggered by artificial sweeteners. This can be a possible link between diet soda cumsumption and Type II diabetes. When your body senses the sweetener it ramps up the bodys production of insulin. So for that reason, it might be better for your health to drink sugar colas. Drinking them in moderation of course.
The body has many taste genes and proteins throughout itself. It is facinating to find based on the species where these triggers can be found. Certain insects have taste sensors on their limbs and some mice have them in there testes. Don't ask me why that is important or useful. Maybe mice will stop breeding if their mates doesn't taste good.’s_Sweet_Tooth

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