Tuesday, March 2, 2010

'Exciting' advance reported in peanut allergy therapy

This article is told if people who are allergic to peanuts over time take small amounts every two weeks can someday make themselves able to tolerate the peanuts to eat many more at a time. I find this article interesting but a hard concept to follow. It defiantly makes sense in getting the person who is allergic use to peanuts in small accruements, but how come that happens? I would like to know the deeper reasons of how someone can tolerate a little at a time and over time be able to eat up to 12 or 52 peanuts at a time. What I still wonder is what goes on inside the human body for them to adapt to eating the peanuts without an allergic reaction.

click here for more!


  1. This is great if it saves lives. I'm not sure exactly how it all works but allergies are such an interesting thing that our bodies have. I wonder if there was ever any type of benefits to someone having an allergy to something. Why are everyone's allergies different?

  2. I have 2 children who have been sensitized to peanuts. It was a very long process. Thankfully my children diagnosed at a very early age and we were able to start this process before they had any real problems.

    As I was told by there allergist, giving them small amounts over a long period allows their bodies to learn to accept the allergen. When someone has an allergic reaction their body makes anti bodies that attack what they perceive as a threat, but end up hurting the person. So given the "threat" a little at a time their body learns to recognize that there is no danger and stop attacking.

  3. I wish more people would read this article. I know peanut allergies are serious. I believe there are many people that avoid nuts their whole lives because as a child they got a rash when they ate peanut butter. If they are able to follow this type of therapy the could free themselves from the fear of a food allergy.
