Thursday, March 18, 2010

Skin cancer increased

This article talks about the rising number in skin cancer cases in the United States, both melanoma related and non-melanona-related. The issue is getting quite serious because more Americans are not paying attention to the damages that both natural sun rays and tanning beds can cause to your skin. Americans would rather look good than be physically healthy, it's all part of our lifestyle.


  1. I agree noone cares about their health anymore it's all about the look. There are so many people that use tanning beds so much it actually looks gross and sometimes even turns them orange. I don't understand why anyone would wanna but their skin at risk like that.

  2. I agree also with this blog...tanning is way to common and more and more people still go even knowing the risks of it...Not just damage of the skin but infection also. Your skin is the biggest organ in the human body, why would people want to damage it.

  3. No one does care because it is all about looking "tan". Well, everytime you step into a tanning booth or the sun without protection, your chances of skin cancer increase. Your skin is very delicate, why would you want to harm yourself? I guess more Americans need to think this way

  4. Anti-aging takes on new meaning as skin cancer kills more and more women earlier in their lives. This is no different than any other act of destruction we to our bodies in the name of beauty. We can relate the use of tanning beds and not protecting your skin to other self-inflicted tortures such as foot binding, corsets. It is a change in our culture that is necessary. Until we start to value natural beauty our bodies will continue to be a battle ground for markets promoting "beauty" despite self-destruction.
