Thursday, March 11, 2010

Japan in Protest

Recently, the European Union has placed a ban on bluefin tuna because it is considered an endangered species.
Japan has a very large fish market and it would impact them greatly so there was recently a protest over this situation.
There was an 80% decrease in the amount of tuna over the past 40 years. The ban is only set in place until the amount starts to recover and they feel that they have an abundence of fish again.
I found this to be quite interesting because Japan does not usually allow too much freedom of speech in their country and for them to organize a protest is very risky. Also, this sounds like a great idea for the fish and Japan because they are trying to make sure that tuna do not disappear altogether from Japan. Too bad they are in a bad situation to make this decision.

1 comment:

  1. This is a good thing because some countries do not care whether the specie's population is suffering or not because they have a demand for it. Especially Japan where protests are frowned upon and rare. This will be a big deal later on for them
