Monday, February 1, 2010

Cell Phones "May" Cause Cancer

This is the website I viewed for this blog topic.

For the past ten years, scientists have been trying to link cancer with the use of cell phones. According to this article, most have not been successful in doing so. Maine legislators are trying to pass an act to put warning labels on cell phones, informing buyers that the use of the product may cause cancer. Although there hasn't been actual proof, they are persistent in doing so. Their defense is that cigarettes cause cancer, and they warn buyers on the packs of the health risks they may endure from smoking.

I personally think it's a good idea. Although cell phones are more of a primary source of communication than land lines these days, and we are never going to stop using them, what is wrong with putting a label on the package saying it may cause cancer ? It definitely won't stop the use, and people will probably laugh and mock at the idea, but atleast they can say "we told you so" if we were to get cancer by using cell phones.


  1. Hmmm...I find this topic very interesting. Putting labels on cell phones saying that they "May" cause cancer I personally think will have little or no affect on the use of cell phones also. Warning labels are very informative, but how many people stop doing something because they were "warned"? They have them on cigarette packs, alcohol, and even on blow dryers. People use things everyday that they know may harm us. I guess as you said it's a good way for cell phone manufacturers to save their butts if we in fact do get cancer from being on our cell phone.

  2. If there is not proof that it causes cancer than why should there be a label? Almost everything in this world causes cancer. I personally wouldn't care if there was a label on the box of my phone but why scare people by saying it causes cancer if they aren't too certain of that.
