Sunday, February 14, 2010

Calorie Counting and Pet Obesity.

"What does the pandemic of cat and dog obesity tell us about the pandemic of human obesity? Animals dont get fat in the wild, only when they live with obese humans and are fed the same junk food. No junk food, no obesity." -Colin Rose ( Obesity is a huge issue in the United States and according to this article pet owners should watch the calories of the food they feed their pets. Now on the package of dog food or cat treats (or most) it says how much a serving is and the nutritional information. Dr. Susan Nelson (veterinarian) says to go with the guidelines, if the pet is a little overweight feed it for its "ideal" weight not the current weight. The biggest problem is overeating and underexercising (for humans and pets). I did not realize that pet obesity was really an issue but apparently 44% of U.S dogs and 57% of U.S cats are obese.


  1. I can definitely see pet obesity being a problem. My brother's beagle is quite chunky and he is always getting table scraps, pizza crusts being a favorite! And as cats and dogs get older and start moving around less, they are still eating the same amount of their food, plus the junk food. My family's German Shepherd is 11 years old now and doesn't run around anymore. Needless to say, she's put on some weight!!

  2. This is so true. Our pets are getting fat because we feed them everything we eat. Also, because we do not take them for walks and stuff like we are supposed to.

  3. I agree with both the children obesity and the pet obesity problems. I just think that the picture is absolutely adorable poor pets lol..

  4. I definately agree with the statement that, "our pets weights need to be monitored just like humans we live amoung today". I have an eight year old lab and she is a little overweight and it was definately caused from us feeding her table food or well known as people food. We shouldn't have fed her that food because now that she is getting older we can see how it is hurting her function.
