Recent studies have shown that although there has been controversy over the "Reefer Madness Hypothesis", there is no sufficient link between smoking marijuana and schizophrenia. In fact, you would have to stop thousands of marijuana smokers to prevent one case of schizophrenia, showing the ratio of people that smoke pot to the ones who develop schizophrenia. Last year, the UK government changed marijuana from a class C drug to a class B drug, due to the concerns that the drug may cause cases of schizophrenia. However, the relationship between marijuana and schizophrenia are very unclear. In the new study, scientists have taken the number of marijuana smokers, developing cases of schizophrenia, and the risk that smoking marijuana use causes schizophrenia, in order to find the relationship between how many marijuana smokers would need to be stopped in order to prevent one case of schizophrenia. The studies show that you would have to stop 2,800 male heavy marijuana users and over 5,000 women heavy marijuana users to prevent one case of schizophrenia. On the contrary, you would have to stop 10,000 male light marijuana users and almost 30,000 women light marijuana users in order to stop one case of schizophrenia. In conclusion, there would have to be a immense amount of marijuana smokers that stopped the drug in order for it to have an impact on the number of people who develop schizophrenia.