Sunday, May 8, 2011

Waist size predicts heart-disease death better than weight

Waist size provides a far more accurate way to predict a heart patient's chances of dying at an early age from a heart attack.
The Body Mass Index (BMI) is no longer viewed as a good indicator of heart-disease. It now being called the "Obesity Paradox." As you probably know a paradox is basically a self-contradictory statement. You would think that a person whose BMI falls in one of the obese categories would be at serious risk for heart disease. However, recent studies have shown that the Body Mass Index is a flawed system when it comes to judging a person's likelihood of getting heart disease. Waist size may actually be the greatest indicator of whether or not a person is at greater risk for heart disease.

I have always heard that belly fat is the most dangerous kind of fat to have. A good distribution of fat throughout the body is a good thing, but when everything is accruing in the belly area, it can become a health risk. I think that the article is right that the BMI is flawed. The BMI does not take into account fat distribution, body shape, or the amount of muscle on a person's body. A body builder would be considered to be obese according to the BMI, but that is obviously not true. As it states in the article: "Even heart patients with apple-shaped bodies and BMIs in the normal range were at increased risk of dying sooner, which drives home the fact that normal-weight heart patients may need to lose some weight in their bellies too..." That seems rather illogical if you think about it, but it would appear to be scientifically true. So keep in mind, belly fat is dangerous fat.


  1. I like this article alot and i agree wiht what it is saying. Maybe when people read this article they will be motivated to lose some pounds. Anything that can help America to become healty is a good thing.

  2. I also thought the BMI was flawed. When I was younger I was skinny and I was considered overweight according to that thing. It really doesn't consider fat distribution of the body. The BMI index makes me feel like we all need to be extremely skinny in order to be healthy. Its about time someone found it flawed.
