Sunday, May 8, 2011

Study: Genetic Link Found Between Prostate, Womb Cancers

Cancer cells
A genetic link between womb cancer in women, and prostate cancer in men exists. A study done at the University of Cambridge, in England, found that certain genetic variants in men and women that either develop or prevent cancer from growing in their respective regions. Certain women who have the "protective gene" are 15 to 18 percent less likely to develop cancer, and men with the gene are 21 percent less likely to develop cancer. Professor Douglas Easton said that understanding how genetic variants influence a person's risk of developing cancer is a crucial step in being able to identify high-risk groups who could benefit from closer monitoring or measures to reduce their risk of developing the disease.

Personally, with any genetic study, there is a chance that we can better understand our bodies. The more we understand our bodies, the better we can care for them. In this instance, those who have this "protective gene" can help scientists unlock a way to treat both womb and prostate cancer. Those who do not have the gene would benefit from the studies done to break down the gene, and see how it protects the body from cancer. As with any gene study, you never know what you will find, and there could always be a breakthrough on the horizon.


  1. Who would have thought there would be a genetic link between these two major types of cancer? Genetics is so interesting to me, even though it is so hard to understand sometimes. I wish I was smarter so I could go into this field. There's always so much to learn about the human body!

  2. It's scary to think how much genetics plays in the determination of what diseases our body may get. Hopefully scientists can unlock the codes that cause us to be predispositioned to certain diseases and be able to cure them.

  3. Wow, thats interesting. Cancer can be a scary thing so i am happy to se the research is helping them.
