Sunday, May 8, 2011

Season of Birth May Affect the Rest of Your Life

As it turns out, the season in which you are born may have more of an affect on you than how cold it is when your birthday roles around. A recent study claims that a season can ultimately have an affect on anything from your eyesight to your overall eating habits. Babies born in Spring months are more likely to suffer from anorexia. Scientists believe that there is a seasonal risk factor that leads to a predisposition to anorexia. Earlier studies have claimed that disorders such as schizophrenia, multiple sclerosis, and even type 1 diabetes may have link to some sort of environmental influence. This is just a few of the things that may affect Spring babies, but as for the other seasons, you should check out the article.

I think these studies are somewhat of an anomaly. If a person looks at a sample of data for long enough, there are always assumptions that can be made. As to how much truth that the study has, that is the real question. Again it comes down to the Psychology 101 argument of "nature vs. nurture." Is a person who suffers from anorexia genetically predisposed to it, or is it something that has happened in their life that has lead them into becoming anorexic? There may be some truth to these findings, but as to how accurate these assumptions are... that's really up to the reader.


  1. I'm finding this article somewhat hard to believe. How can the month in which you are born have an effect on your health? I think you're right when it comes to saying that if you study something long enough, there are always assumptions that can be made.

  2. I have read in the past that the season that you are born in can effect your health. Hopefully future studies will be a better prediction for health in future generations

  3. I don't know about this. I mean maybe it does mean something. But for the study did they study babies born from all over the world in a certain season? If they studied a group of babies all from the same season in the same location than that couldn't even be conclusive cause we could argue it could be an environmental factor or something for that are.

  4. I dont really believe this either. I was born in december and i have great eye sight. How could weather affect you being born when your inside most of the time as a baby anyway. Very hard to believe but, would like to read more about this..
