Monday, May 9, 2011

Scientists Find Five New Alzheimer's Risk Genes

As if Alzheimer's disease isn't scary enough, researchers have found five more genetic triggers for Alzheimer's. As you know, this disease causes severe dementia. According to researchers, if drugs or lifestyle changes can be created to counter these genetic variations, more than 60 percent of Alzheimer's cases could be prevented. However, it appears that it will be at least 15 years before a discovery like that could be made. The researchers say that the genetic variants that they found specific differences in people who get Alzheimer's. Anything from immune system variations to the way the brain processes cholesterol and lipids.

Alzheimer's has become a great problem. It ruins the life of the person affected, as well as their loved ones. Not being able to remember the names of your children is a horrible way to live. I am confident that an answer will be found within the next 20 years. Scientists, geneticists, and all researchers have pooled their knowledge into finding an answer. I think even the United States government will eventually join the full-court press, and aid researchers financially to put an end to a disease that has affected so many people. More money equals more personnel, more equipment, and a faster answer. The longer we have to wait for an answer, the longer people will have to suffer.

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