Monday, December 14, 2009

Venomous Catfish?

Venomous Catfish?
Think twice before eating that southern delicacy. Research done by a University of Michigan graduate says that there are a possible 1,600 species of venomous catfish. The catfish here in the United States are not lethal to humans. Their venom is used to defend themselves from other predatory fish. In other parts of the world the people are not so lucky. Their venom is said to be extremely toxic and deadly.
To be injected by catfish venom it does not occur through a bite. They have venom glands on their spines that get hard when they feel threatened. For symptoms of the venom you can see on the website here .
Although very poisonous in the United States the venom is not a threat. If jabbed by one of these glands a human in the US is more likely to experience problems with bacteria and infection in the wound and not the venom itself. One would never see catfish as being venomous but would rather think of reptiles like snakes and frogs to be more worried about. It is interesting to see that something that people in the southern US fry up to eat is very venomous.

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