Monday, December 7, 2009

By Feeding the Birds, You Could Change Their Evolutionary Fate

Martin Schaefer from the University of Freiburg believes the actions of humans putting seed or fruits out for the birds is effecting the evolutionary future of some species. An example of a species which is being effect is the central European Blackcap. The Blackcap population has began to develop a division of two reproductively isolated groups. The group of Blackcap birds can be considered an ecotype. These birds breed in the same forest yet the birds still undergo certain evolutionary changes to body structures. The cause for the changes is due to the two different migration routes which the birds follow in the winter and the food they eat. The Blackcaps which follow the northwest migration route to Spain mainly survive off the food provided by human; the wings are rounder for better maneuverability and longer, narrower bills. The southwest migration Blackcap birds are suited with longer wings for long distance travel and stronger beaks. The geographic separation and the different source of food supplies have caused the evolution changes. The changes can be due to the act of humans feeding the birds.

"This is a nice example of the speed of evolution... It is something that we can see with our own eyes if we only look closely enough. It doesn't have to take millions of years," said Schaefer.

Having the ability to adapt the environment which an individual or animal lives in is a major advantage. Our world is constantly changing and whom best adapts to the environment will reproduce, passing on the strongest genes to the next generation and so on. In this case, the Blackcap bird population has began to evolve into different birds. The wing and bill structure are better suit to the two different migrations and different food sources. The changes are slow but have gradually grown into visible characteristics. The rate which these evolutionary characteristic change was actually rather quick, within 30 generations.This could probably happen to other species within the animal kingdom. Helping animals when food is scarce may feel satisfying but human should try to limit the amount of food given to the birds.


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