Friday, December 11, 2009

Is Garbage The Solution To Tackling Climate Change

Our world and the environment is being greatly effected by high concentration of carbon emission which are causing global warming. The burning of fossil fuels emit greenhouse gases that capture sunlight and warm up Earths atmosphere. Warming the atmosphere by the slightest amount can warm and raise sea levels, intensify hurricanes, and change the environment. A solution to deplete the carbon emission levels would to burn alternative bio-fuels such as ethanol or vegetable oil. A new study from Singapore and Switzerland have found that it is possible to convert the trash in over-flowing landfills into a reliable bio-fuel source. Producing other bio-fuels can be costly but converting garbage into cellulosic ethanol could be less costly and can burn cleaner than other alternative bio-fuels. There is an estimated 83 billions liters of cellulosic ethanol could be proceed in all the landfills across the globe. If the switch was made to bio-fuels then a dramatic drop in carbon emissions would occur, about 80% of carbon emissions would be eliminated from the atmosphere. The environment would greatly appreciate our switch.

The environment is in desperate need of an alternative bio-fuel source. We drive our cars and trucks without a care yet we all should be doing our part to preserve the environment. It begins with little steps and gradually grow into leaps. Finding a reliable bio-fuel in the garbage that sits and decays in the landfill is huge accomplishment for the fuel industry. Converting a bi-produce of everyday life of humans and converting the rubbish, litter, and trash into a carbon free fuel should decrease the dependency of carbon emission fossil fuels across the world. The environment can not wait anymore, cellulosic ethanol produce from garbage must be developed as soon as possible.


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