Thursday, December 10, 2009

Potential Cancer drug may provide relief for those suffering from Asthma...

At the University of Edinburgh Professor Adriano Rossi lead the study which he and his team discovered that the drug now being used to help treat cancer patients also can help patients who are suffering from Asthma. The drug which is called R-roscovitine helps to kill certain immune cells (eosinophils) which lead to Asthma attack symptoms. Eosinophils are found in the lungs and airways and they are there to prevent bacterial and parasitic infections in the lungs. Though these immune cells are not just doing the body good, if there are too many uncontrolled Eosinophil immune cells in the lung it can damage other cells causing inflammatory infections such as Asthma. This new drug could be the factor that gets Asthma under control as it effects so many people on a daily basis. As further tests are run the new findings could prove beneficial for those being treated for asthma whose body's reject the steroid treatment, which is the main way to treat Asthma. Steroid treatment can leave unwanted side effects and the use of this drug could be the way around those unwanted steriod treatments.

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