Friday, March 5, 2010

Fish can recognize a face based on UV pattern alone

Scientists have known for a while that some animals have UV visions. But, not scientists are taking this known fact one step further and are saying that some fish have UV vision which allows them to tell different species apart. Almost as if they can see the other "faces" swimming by them. UV vision is normally used to detect any bright lights around an animal.
Researches did an experiment with two different aggressive fish, they allowed them to have UV vision, but at other times they took the UV vision away. The two fish always attacked the same fish when they have their UV vision enabled. But, when researches took the fishes' UV vision away, they attacked the other fish equally, they did not keep attacking the same fish as before.
UV vision is needed for fish in order for them to tell all the different species apart.

1 comment:

  1. This is a very interesting study done. I had no idea to begin with that fish had uv vision or that it was used to tell different species apart.
