Saturday, March 27, 2010


This bizarre-looking animal is considered at risk due to a fear of some residents of the African island nation of Madagascar. The local villagers believe that this tiny mammal can creep into their houses and use its long middle finger to lance the hearts of sleeping victims. Although, the animal, the largest nocturnal primate in the world, is now officially protected by law, it does not protect the aye-aye from the residents of Madagascar.

This might be only a myth, but If I was a resident of this island, I would certainly be afraid of such a creepy death!


  1. this creature is absolutely adorable! i want one!!!

  2. This is such an interesting myth! That little thing is so scary looking! I would be nervous falling asleep if I lived where this creature lives!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. this Aye-aye is so crazy looking! i would freak out if i saw it haaha!

  5. I definitely agree, that little thing is so weird looking! .. and if I lived in the village I would not want to ever sleep!
