Thursday, November 3, 2011

Sea Level To Go Up

Researchers of the Neils Bohr Institute have been calculating the long-term outlook of the sea levels rising. They discovered changes in sea level 500 years from now. Aslak Grinstead, a researcher at the Center for Ice and Climate at the Neils Bohr Institute, has been teaming up with reasearchers from England and China. They are focusing on the emission of gases and aerosols of greenhouses and the pollution in the atmosphere. The research group says that as the emissions increase, so will the sea level. One researcher says that sea levels will go up to 1.1 meters by the year 2100 and 5.5 meters by 2500. Another says that by 2100, the sea levels will rise by 60 cm, and by 2500 they will rise by 1.8 meters. A more realistic researcher says that they will rise about 75 cm and get up to 2 meters in the year 2500. On average, sea level rises 2mm per year but gets faster with each year.


  1. This is very interesting article. The greenhouse gases must be melting the ice caps faster. According to an article I found the sea level rising will also affect the climate.

  2. This is an interesting article with interesting statistics. I always wonder what will happen to the houses that are right off the shores in this type of situation because its not like they can really do anything about it.

  3. This entry is interesting because the idea of scientists predicting the future sea level due to current ecological variables.
