Thursday, November 17, 2011

How Flies Fly

Flies have to flap their wings very fast in order to move, but muscles control all body movements, including wing oscillations. Flight movement is different and unique to flies. Their contractions are regulated by nerve impluses, and uniquely controlled by tension. There are 2 categories of flight muscles which enables wing oscillations. One type moves the wings down and at the same time stretches the wing, which includes contraction. The wing is then pulled up and stablizes flight. Also unique to a fruit fly is is a protein in their genetic information called "spalt." Spalt is what makes a fly fly. With out spalt a fly can still survive but they are flighless. An average fruit fly moves at a frequency of 200 hertz time per second. No wonder why these pesky little flies always get away when you want to swat them away.

1 comment:

  1. This is such a cool article! I have never actually wondered how flies fly, but reading this article really informed me. Its so crazy how fast fruit flies can fly!
