Monday, November 28, 2011

New compound defeats drug-resistant bacteria

After reading this article all you can do is just be amazed of the intelligence of these chemists who came up with this. According to the article a number of chemists at at Brown University synthesized this new compound that can make drug resistant bacteria susceptible again to antibiotics. As we all know all species big and small have evolved and have made adaptations over time. Bacteria like all living things have adapted as well and medication that once killed the bacteria can now sometimes prove to do nothing because of the evolution the bacteria has made to become immune to it. What these chemists have done is amazing. They have created this new compound which means that now old antibiotics that use to be unsuccessful can now once again prove to effect the bacteria once again. Thanks to these chemists at Brown university and found a way to defeat the drug-resistant bacteria we now dont have to do the more expensive option which would of been to make a new and more costly antibiotic. So our advancement in medicine continues and proves to continue to do so as our race goes on.

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