Saturday, November 27, 2010

Cockroach Brains May Be a Source of Antibiotics

New research has shown that cockroaches may be a new source of antibiotics. That these insects have a defense mechanism that may be capable of fighting against drug resistant bacterias. Scientist have found that tissues from their brains and nervous systems can kill 90% of E. Coli and MRSA. Simon Lee a researcher that led the study explains how insects develop ways to protect themselves from germs, because they live in unsanitary conditions. 9 molecules capable of killing bacteria have been found in the tissue and they are currently testing to see if they can fight against Acinetobacter.
I think this is great progress in science. Finding ways to fight these drug resistant bacteria can help people that already have low immune systems protect themselves from these infections that cause them to get sicker than they already are.


  1. It's so interesting to find out different things that can help people when they are sick. It makes me wonder how many other things are out there that could help as well. I'm curious what made these scientists find this out about cock roaches.

  2. I suppose it makes sense since cockroaches are the only living thing that are incredibly hard to kill. Hopefully we can learn something that will help us humans raise our resistance as well.

  3. It is so strange that something humans are so afraid of may be a new source of medicine.
