Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Blueberries, a Very Healthy Fruit

In an article in WebMD (the magazine), it is said that Native Americans used blueberries to treat coughs. Blueberries have the highest amount of antioxidants, and "one cup delivers 14% of the recommended daily dose of fiber." They are also very low in calories. Blueberries are high in anthocyanin which gives them their blue hue. North America produces 90% of the world's supply of blueberries. This fruit is so popular that it's celebrated throughout the month of July, "National Blueberry Month." The reason behind this is because blueberries are at the peak of their harvest in July.
I knew that blueberries were healthy and good for you, obviously because any fruit is. I wasn't aware of all the antioxidants and fiber they have. It's interesting that Native Americans used them to treat coughs. If more people knew this, then maybe there wouldn't be such a high need for cough drops and medicines. I also think it's kind of interesting that there is a whole month dedicated to blueberries.


  1. Blueberries are one of my favorite fruits so I'm glad to know they are also so good for you. I didn't know that the Native Americans used them to treat coughs. Maybe I'll try that next time I have a cold!

  2. I found this blog very interesting, blueberries and my favorite fruit i didn't know they had the ability to help treat coughs/colds, i will have to try this and see if it works next time i have a cold.
