Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Nuclear Crisis in Japan

The crisis in Japan is deviating. Many are homeless and if all the damage this tsunami has caused isn’t enough, the people of Japan now have to worries about nuclear radiation and their power plants. There have been multiple failures, fires and radiation leaks from at least four separate reactors. While damage from the earthquake and tsunami was instantly visible, the nuclear impact, would take days to unfold, and could affect more than just the people of Japan. The Japanese government has evacuated people closest to the plant, told others to stay indoors and distributed the drug potassium iodide to protect the thyroid gland from radioactive iodine. Scientist say there is little chance that the US will come in contact with any radiation, and if there is a chance those in danger will be notified immediately.

1 comment:

  1. My issue with telling people to stay inside is...well can't those chemicals come into their house no matter if they stay indoors? I mean, I haven't seen any reports out there that say it cannot. Kind of like when the SAURS(sp?) epidemic happened and everyone wore those dumb face masks...
