Sunday, March 20, 2011

Advisory Panel Urges F.D.A. to Re-examine Menthol in Cigarettes

A federal advisory panel said that removing menthol cigarettes from the market would benefit public health in the United States. An advisory panel’s chairman, said the committee had found sufficient scientific evidence supporting its finding that menthol cigarettes were more harmful than regular cigarettes. This finding could provide a legal basis for the F.D.A. to try to limit, phase out or even ban menthol in cigarettes. The panel found that scientific evidence did not show that individual menthol smokers inhaled more toxins or had an increased risk of disease compared with nonmenthol smokers. But it did emphasize the public health impact, determining that the availability of menthol cigarettes made smoking more attractive to youth because the flavor was less harsh. The F.D.A will review the findings of the panel, and perform a separate research and policy study. Tobacco companies are up in arms about this because more than 90 percent of there revenue is dependent on menthol cigarettes. Governments could also loose billions in tax revenue if menthol smokers switched. State and federal governments collect about $43 billion a year in cigarette excise taxes,. menthol accounts for an estimated 27 percent of the $80 billion cigarette market in the United States so it wouls be a detramental loss.


  1. In my opinion it doesn't matter whether a cigarette has menthol in it or not. For me, a cigarette is a cigarette and they are bad for you no matter any way you slice it.

  2. This question poses quite a slippery slope for the United States government. Most people agree that smoking is not only bad for your health, and the health of others, but there is simply no way to get rid of cigarettes. Higher taxes, bans on where cigarettes can be smoked, and constant warnings from healthcare professionals would seem to be deterrents to smoking, but it just won't happen. Much like prohibition in the 1920's, there is no way to stop people from doing what they want. If a person prefers to smoke menthols, given our history in this county, they are going to find a way to get their hands on them.

    Assuming that Americans are going to continue consuming menthols at the blistering pace that they are, the Food and Drug Administration should just swallow their pride and continue to distribute menthol cigarettes even if they are detrimental to one's health in some way. There is a Surgeon General's message right on the pack that says cigarettes cause long term health problems, and it is up to each individual to decide whether or not to smoke them. Cigarettes may not lead to any genetic conditions in future generations of the smoker, but it is certainly a major health risk to one's own health. Much like junk food, it is up to the individual whether or not to put it in their body.
