Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Researchers Aim to Harvest Solar Energy

According to an article published in Science Daily, researchers from the University of Rhoad Island are looking at methods to harvest solar energy. They feel that solar energy can be used to do many things including powering streetlights, melting ice, heating buildings and for other important purposes. Their aim is to save on fossil fuels and reduce global warming. The team has found four potential methods and are currently producing research projects to make it possible. Some of these methods are simple while othes are more complex and costly. The first method could be implemented today because the technology needed currently exists. It involves wrapping flexible photovotic cells around the tops of Jersey barriers. This electricity can be used to power streetlights. They are currently running a pilot program using this method to light lamps on their campus. Another method is to put water filled pipes underneath the asphault letting the sun heat the water. This heated water can melt the snow reducing the need for road salt. Some of the other methods mentioned in the article are considered more futuristic and would require changing the road ways, which could also be very costly.
I think that this research is a great way to help us reduce global warming and save on our fossil fuel use. If these methods can be used in the future it will use better methods to do the same things that are already being done but helping the enviornment.


  1. I think harvesting solar energy is a great way to help the environment! Using a natural resource instead of fossil fuels is benficial to everybody. The initial cost of converting to solar energy may seem high but the long term benefits are worth it.

  2. Anything that helps our environment is very important. They're always finding new ways to conserve energy which is great. I think eventually the world will be using solar energy.
