Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Reducing Greenhouse Emissions

President Obama announced plans in October to put solar panels on the White House in order to set an example for the world, according to an article in Newsweek Magazine. Because the U.S. Senate didn't pass a climate bill which required manufacturers, utilities, oil refiners, and others who emitted carbon dioxide to pay taxes or buy permits for their emissions, many businesses and even the government are trying to reduce their carbon footprint. Being energy efficient can save a company up to $4.4 million a year. Matt Arnold, head of the sustainability practice at PricewaterhouseCoopers says, "No company wants to wind up on a list of 'top-10 worst polluters," and, "reducing your footprint helps with some investors and with recruiting." CEO of the Carbon War Room, Jigar Shah says that things could get worse, but that "solar is inevitable not because of carbon but because it is the most effective way to reach the un-electrified poor." Reducing greenhouse emissions will not be "climate changing" as long as these new ideas are being expanded. 90 percent cuts of today's levels are expected to be cut by 2050, according to Daniel Kammen of the World Bank. He says, "Without a price on carbon, we're fighting with only one hand, but at least we're fighting."

I think it's a great thing that different sources of energy are being discovered and used. Although the ideas aren't expanding quick enough to cut down greenhouse emissions tremendously, at least predictions of 90 percent have been made for 2050. I also think that in this day and age, people are more interested in companies or businesses that are "green". Many people have made changes in their own homes to reduce their carbon footprint.

1 comment:

  1. Everywhere I look there is something going green, like cleaning supplies or heating systems. It is a good thing to make big, and maybe with all the hype with go green will make their predictions come true quicker. We can hope anyway, because it will help us all greatly.
