Monday, September 21, 2009

Life After People

Has any one ever imagined what the Earth would be like if people no longer lived here? Well the History channel aries a series that explains what would happen to the Earth if humans no longer exist. Biologists, Geologists, Engineers and Archaeologists study the affects of the Earth's population becoming zero. The lastest episode examined how the environment would change over the years. Scientists estimated that electrical plants would shut down just after a couple of days. They believe the only city that would maintain electricity for about 2 to 3 years after humans disappeared would be Las Vegas because of the Hoover Dam, explaining that the Dam has a system that can still run even if there is no one operating it. Eventually, the system would need maintenance and shutdown. These experts believe that natural science would take control of the Earth and after 1000 years it would be as if humans never called Earth home. This show is very interesting and quiet believeable. Although, the scientists outcomes maybe hypothetical many of their predictions could infact be possible. I find it remarkable how they explain Earth could eventually revert back to it's natural form. Check it out....


  1. There is another show that is somewhat similar called The Colony. I think its on the Discovery Channel. Basically its a reality show about global catastrophe, and the colonists ability to survive the test. Its pretty interesting.

  2. That does sound very interesting..I'll have to look for it. Check this show out it was pretty amazing seeing what would happen to Earth after us.

  3. This is really neat, but I don't think that there will ever be a zero population on Earth
