Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Chidhood Diet Contributes to Adult Behavior

Humans have been known to exist as creatures of habit, and many childhood events contribute to this. While every person knows that studies "prove" that violent video games produce violent teenagers and adults, it has recently become known that children who eat candy daily are much more likely to become criminals and violent adults. Studies show that during the 1970s, among children under the age of 10 that ate candy daily, 69 percent were arrested by age 34. Simon Moore, a figure at the University of Cardiff, believes that it is the fault of parents for rewarding children with candy that causes them to "learn how to defer gratification". It has been noticed through sociological studies that children with a better nutrition have a higher likelihood of turning into responsible adults.
While small tests have been done to confirm the role of candy in violence, this certainly remains only a hypothesis. A thorough chemical analysis experiment in the brain is probably necessary to completely prove the theory, but it currently exists as only that. Many of the studies may only be the result of coincidence.

Source: MSNBC Health

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